II Peter Lesson 1 (Text: Chapter 1:1-21)

Introduction To II Peter

It is important to study God’s Word, the Bible. It is important to memorize verses and to think upon His Word. The Word of God never changes, even though we live in a world of constant change. Our friends and families change. Circumstances change. Our thoughts and attitudes change. And all around us we experience change every day. But the Word of God remains the same, and is sure and steadfast. We can always depend upon His Word.  Isaiah 40:8 says, “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” Psalm 119:89 says, “For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven,” and in I Peter 1:23, we read that the Word of God lives and abides forever.  In uncertain and changing times, we can always depend upon His Holy Word to give us comfort, strength, grace and power for each moment of our lives, regardless of our situations or our circumstances. The Word of God also helps newborn babies in Christ to grow spiritually. In I Peter 2:2 we read, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.” We, as believers in Christ, are commanded in God’s Word to grow spiritually. II Peter 3:18 says, “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” The Word of God has always existed and will always exist. In John 1:1-2 we read, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.” Read the following verses from the Bible: Psalm 119: 2, 9, 11, 28, 50, 67, 71, 74, 92, 114, 130, 147, 148, 162 and 165. As you begin these study courses of God’s Word, please begin them with this thought and prayer found in Psalm 119:18, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” And in Psalm 119:105 we read: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” This tells us how to stand with God and how to go with God.

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”  II Timothy 3:16-17 I

I PETER KEY VERSE: II PETER 1:3 – “According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.”

KEY WORDS: KNOW – Found 8 times. KNOWLEDGE – Found 7 times.

THEME: Believer’s Responsibility in Time of Apostasy.

DATE: 67 A.D. (Shortly before Peter’s death).

WRITER: Simon Peter – Simon: Name given at birth (speaks of old man). Peter: Name given at new birth (speaks of new man) (Matthew 16:18).

WRITTEN: To: Jewish Christians (To be applied to every Christian of every age, everywhere). From: Ephesus (Probably).

THE BOOK: Number in Bible – 61. Number of Chapters – 3. Number of Verses: 61. Number in Order of Writing – 22nd in New Testament.

PURPOSE: In Peter’s first letter, he was writing to encourage the recipients and to hearten them amid persecution and suffering. He has learned that false teachers among them were teaching false doctrine, so he sent this short letter to remind them and re-emphasize to the readers to ground themselves more firmly in the full knowledge of truth in Christ Jesus, and thereby, to reinforce their faith against false doctrine.

DIVISIONS: Chapter 1 – Believer’s Sure Foundation: Knowledge of Bible Chapter 2 – Believer’s Solemn Warning: Knowledge of Apostates Chapter 3 -Believer’s Satisfying Hope: Knowledge of Second Coming

OUTLINE: I. Knowledge of the Bible (Ch. 1) 1. Gift of Knowledge (1:14) a) Through Divine Conversion (1) Simon Peter b) Through Divine Calling (1) “Apostle” c) Through Divine Communion (1) “Like Precious Faith” d) Through Divine Contentment (2) “Peace” e) Through Divine Control (3) “Power” f) Through Divine Charge (3) “Glory and Virtue” g) Through Divine Company (4) “Nature” 2. Growth of Knowledge (Add to Your Faith – Salvation) (1:5-11) a) Separation-Virtue b) Study-Knowledge c) Self-Control-Temperance d) Suffering-Patience e) Spirituality-Godliness f) Service – Brotherly Kindness g) Sacrifice – Love 3. Grounded in Knowledge (1:12-21): a) By What He Had Seen and Heard (v. 17) b) By What He Had Studied and Heeded (v. 19) c) By What He Had Searched and Held (v. 21) II. Knowledge of the Apostates (Ch. 2) 1. Their Condemnation (2:1-9): a) The Infiltration (1) “Among You” b) The Iniquity (1) “Damnable heresy” c) The Influence (2) “Many Fallen” d) The Insincerity (3) “Feigned Words” e) The Indictment (3) “Damnation” f) The Imprisonment (4,9) “Reserved” g) The Innocent (9) “Godly” 2. Their Character (2:10-16): a) Their Self-Will and Rebellion (10:11) b) Their Sure Judgment and Reward (12-13) c) Their Sinful Ways and Results (14-16) 3. Their Claims: a) They Promise Fullness: They are empty (17-18) b) They Promise Freedom: They are exhausted (19) c) They Produce Failure: They are excluded (22) III. Knowledge of the Second Coming: 1. Beloved – Be Mindful (1-7) 2. Beloved – Be Not Ignorant (8-11) 3. Beloved – Be Diligent (11-14) 4. Beloved – Beware (15-18)

MISCELLANEOUS: COMPARISON: I PETER: Warns of Roaring Lion (Persecution From Without) II PETER: Warns of Deceiving Serpent (False Teaching From Within) I PETER: Theme is “Grace” II PETER: Theme is “Knowledge” Peter wraps it up in II Peter 3:18. We are urged to grow in “Grace and Knowledge.”

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